Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in eLearning  
Project 2013-1FI-LEO05-12562.

10 February 2015

The world has been experiencing rapid transformation in Education area and on the actual scenario mobility, cooperation and development of quality relating to methods of assessment are crucial subjects that raise many questions. Effective assessment drives learning efficiency as the growth of e-learning technologies drives e-assessment. This growth reinforce the need to improve learning and support the idea that is important to define a strategy to ensure that our selection of assessment methods respond positively to the objectives and outcomes of our course programme allowing a clear evaluation of competencies, skills and knowledge.

Facing this scenario the TALOE project intends to promote the internal consistency of online courses by using an existing tool, the ALOA model (Aligning Learning Outcomes and Assessment), to highlight the connection between the intended learning outcomes and the assessment strategy used during a course. Because not every assessment method is valid the ALOA model provides tools for linking learning outcomes and assessment tasks. What the TALOE project intends to do is to apply those tools to the specific context of e-learning.

The main goal of TALOE is to develop a web-based platform to help teachers and trainers decide on the e-assessment strategies to use in their online courses. The main idea is that a teacher will describe the learning outcomes of their course or module and the TALOE platform will analyse them and provide an e-assessment strategy that is consistent with the intended learning.

To be able to develop the practical tool, the consortium will have to achieve the following specific goals:

-Research and select innovative e-assessment practices that take advantage of the use of technology
-Develop a web-based tool that is easy to use by the stakeholders
-To test the implementation of the tool with real case studies
-To distribute and disseminate the TALOE tool among the communities of stakeholders

More information about this project can be found at the TALOE project website.