SMILE - 14th FPM Partners Meeting in Barcelona

smile 14th

Continuing the efforts to promote inclusive learning SMILE partners gathered for its 14th Full Partners Meeting (FPM) the 7th and 8th of February in Barcelona, and the first face-to-face meeting in 2023. In the meeting, partners worked together to reach three objectives. First, work together on the definition of next steps for the Audit Model and testing to be finalized. Throughout the discussion it was emphasised the opportunity to identify potential organisations that could be interested in the Audit. Then, collaborate to define the final SWOT analysis of the CPD courses. These CPDs are addressed to university staff from a bottom-up approach and target all three SMILE pillars. Last, review the results from the short Policy Recommendations Principles survey. These Policy Recommendations Principles are a relevant document that addresses to three levels of stakeholders: Policy Makers, HEIs and Civil Society. The meeting was very profitable for all partners and the aims and goals defined were achieved with the highest level of collaboration towards a more inclusive learning.