VENHANS – VET Networking Enhancement
Project 609023-EPP-1-2019-1-BE–EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR.
10 September 2020

VENHANS is a project coordinated by EVTA and aimed to help the main European VET providers’ networks to:

  • Increase their representativeness at national/regional level, expanding memberships and stimulating VET networking, particularly between VET providers and companies, with a special focus on territories under represented in the VET policies’ definition;

  • Enhance the cooperation between the umbrella networks, within the VET4EU2 common platform, to allow maximum synergies and joint efforts to sustain and support decision makers in the VET policies development and deployment in all EU member states;

  • Promote VET provision’s quality improvement, propagating the concept of excellence in VET, exploiting best VET learning tools and practices, promoting the concept of benchmarking as a reference to develop strategies, adopting bottom up approaches to valorise local contributions.


The following will be the main line of actions of the project: 

  1. NETWORKING – Strengthen the cooperation between the VET networks grouped in the VET4U2 umbrella; extend the EVTA partnerships; promote effective and proper use of of the EU funds among the old and the new partners of the network; guarantee a more qualified and extended representativeness within the EU experts’ workgroup, conference, policy survey, etc.; actively contribute to the VET policy development and implementation fostering the cooperation between the EU institutions and agencies and the other umbrella organisations.

  2. CAPACITY BUILDING – The Capacity Building’s Action Plan aim at collecting all the processes capable of empowering VET professionals’ knowledge and skills, VET providers’ attractiveness and quality of provision, VET stakeholders networking involvement, internalisation attitude to VET learners.

  3. DISSEMINATION – WP4 includes those actions EVTA and the other project partners are willing to develop and carry out together, strengthening the relationship and cooperation among the umbrella networks. 

More info on the project can be found on the project website

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