The 2022 Open Fora videos are now available


We have the videos from the 2022 eucen Open Fora available for you to use. You can find the links to each individual video from the Programme of the Open Fora website. Or you can also find the videos in eucen’s YouTube Channel

The presentations that you can watch are:

– MASTER CLASS: Virtual Reality in industry with the focus on virtual trainings by Prof (FH) Mag. Michael REINER
– PRESENTATION: TutorStack ‘22: A five year review of the conceptual framework for Blended, Online and Digital, by Colm DUNPHY
– PRESENTATION: Using digital learning to foster digital competencies of basic skills teachers; Establishing a pathway for collaborative micro-credential development as part of an Erasmus+ project, by Neill WYLIE
– MASTER CLASS: The 3rd mission of higher education: imperatives, mutuality and delivering on public and community engagement, by Dr Mary MAHONEY
– PRESENTATION: Mediation as a tool to foster responsible learning and connect to the community – The experience of the IncludeMe project, by Kirstin SONNE
– MASTER CLASS: University-Entreprise-Student dialogue: How to be prepared to the market needs in advance?
– MASTER CLASS: Implementation and sustainability of a diversity and inclusion strategy in HEIs – The University of Mainz, by Maria LAU and Beate HÖRR
– PRESENTATION: The Graduate Boost Programme – Higher Education and Employers Collaborating to Explore Inclusive Recruitment Practice for Graduates with Disabilities, by Ursula McTAGGART
– PRESENTATION: Scaling the Recognition Prior Learning for greater access and inclusion for lifelong learner, by Laura WIDGER and Valerie BRETT

We hope you enjoy these videos!