Launch of the Bequel Online Benchmarking Tool

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The Bequel consortium is happy to announce that the Online Benchmarking Tool for Quality Assurance in E-Learning Provision of Vocational Education and Training has been launched. This benchmarking tool allows VET providers to compare their e-learning quality assurance practices quickly and effectively to those of other institutions across the EU. Based on VET providers’ answers to an online questionnaire, the benchmarking tool generates an individual report, highlighting the weaknesses and strengths of each respondent organisation. The questionnaire covers six thematic areas: Strategy and policy for e-learning, Support for trainers and trainees, Infrastructure support, Programme/course design, Development and approval for e-learning, and e-learning training program evaluation procedures. Each section consists of a set of statements and using a four-level frequency Likert scale, respondents answer to what extent the statement applies to the policies and practices which are in place in their institution. VET institutions which score particularly high in the benchmarking tool are awarded the Bequel badge, and are also invited to share their experiences as a Good Practice. The online benchmarking tool is available here.