Inclusion Box
Project 101090952 – ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PCOOP-ENGO.
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28 March 2023

The “Inclusion Box” project aims at ensuring more inclusive education and training organisations, more inclusive education approaches and actions, through a capacity building process to better face and respond to current and future societal challenges.

The project consists of an interdisciplinary, bottom-up process, involving key stakeholders in the design of innovative training resources collected in an online platform with the goal of supporting the digital transition, access and participation in learning processes and inclusion and diversity strategies in the sector. These are key issues the consortium will work on to foster inclusive and innovative management methods and pedagogical approaches among educational staff and managers. Partner organisations will: identify inspiring practices on these three main areas, disseminate these practices through online and in-person training and exploit them through further training and educative actions in different contexts.

The consortium involves 5 partner organisations, ensuring impact from the international to the local level through their extensive network of members and partners in several EU and non-EU countries. The primary target group of the project are the adult educators and staff working in the education and training sector; this group includes different profiles: managers, officers, volunteers, educators and trainers.

The project is structured in 6 work packages. Thanks to their pan European membership, the training and project results will be utilised by national, regional and local educational providers. The new pedagogical approaches implemented within their target groups, the alternative management strategies put into practice in their inclusive education initiatives and the participatory methods applied, will all make educational staff and managers of Civil Society Organisations more aware and willing to practice inclusive educational approaches also at internal level.

You can find more information here.