GENERATION DATA - Toolkit on data management


The GENERATION DATA Toolkit is the first output published by the project consortium and is available in English, Danish and Polish. Its objective is to raise awareness about the increasing importance of smart data skills for current and future higher education students and provide knowledge about how to improve the teaching of smart data management.

The Toolkit is primarily addressed to HE teachers and lecturers who teach management-related subjects but can be used also for technical disciplines having a management-related component. At the same time, it represent a useful tool for policy-makers and other stakeholders involved or interested in entrepreneurship education.

The document includes:
– The results of the data skills survey carried out by the partners in the initial project phase to find out which are the current needed skills and deficits of teachers and students when it comes to data skills
– A review of the political and regulatory context governing data skills education at both EU and national/regional level
– An introduction to strategies for teaching data skills to students and to early stage entrepreneurs, including best practices and testimonies

The Toolkit wants to be an easy-to-use and informative document, useful to support teachers and lecturers who have little time to dedicate to professional training but are nevertheless interested in deepening their understanding of the smart data skills world and to learn how to improve their teaching of smart data use and management.

Built upon the EntreComp, DigComp and DigCompOrg frameworks, the Toolkit has been conceived keeping in mind its transferability potential: although the focus is mainly on data skills teaching in higher education, the material can be useful also for teachers and trainers working in other education sectors and in digital education in general.

The GENERATION DATA Toolkit has been developed as an innovative open resource and as such is downloadable for free from the project website.