Diversity and Inclusion in Spanish universities


We are looking for a Spanish university interested to test the SMILE Diversity Audit Model. This consultancy will be carried out by eucen and will be free of cost if your university is member of eucen.

What will this exercise give you?

1. An understanding of where is your institution currently in terms of diversity and inclusion
2. An unique opportunity to identify a working group at your institution who are interested to work in the area of diversity and inclusion and who want to engage in an institutional changing process
3. The chance to plan a diversity and inclusion strategy and the way to bring it to the center of your activities

What do you need to do if interested?

Send an email to Carme Royo and indicate your interest to test the SMILE Diversity Audit tool. We will accept requests until 31 December 2022.

Which would be the next steps?

We will shortlist some institutions to go through the process by 12 January 2023 and contact them. 

We will discuss the possibilitites to run the SMILE Diverstiy Audit in their institutions and set a calendar. The preparation and actual sessions will have to take place in February 2023. From the pre-selected institutions, eucen will identify the chosen university.

eucen will inform all candidate institutions about the result of this call by 24 February 2023.


What is SMILE? 

SMILE is a project written and coordinated by eucen. We are developing tools for HEIs to advance in the area of diversity and inclusion. The project is working 3 pilars: migrant background students, women in leadership, low socio-economic status students.

SMILE has developed so far an introductory CPD course on diversity and inclusion for HEI staff that you can already use, and we are now finishing 4 other CPD courses that will be available in early January 2023. The audit model to measure university’s approach to diversity and inclusion is the tool we would like to test with your institution. We will also develop a set of policy recommendations and an action plan for policy makers at different levels.

You can explore our project from its website.