Shaping Inclusive and Responsive University Strategies
Project 502784-LLP-1-2009-1-BE-ERASMUS-EMHE.
11 February 2015

The European University Association (EUA), in a Consortium with the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), the European University Continuing Education Network (eucen) and the European Access Network (EAN), has launching the EU funded project SIRUS, to support Europe’s universities in implementing the commitments made in the European Universities’ Charter on Lifelong Learning and thus to assist them in developing their specific role as lifelong learning institutions forming a central pillar of the Europe of Knowledge.

This project has offered approximately twenty universities with different profiles and interests in LLL, and which are at different stages of LLL implementation, an opportunity to develop and enhance their strategic LLL approaches, in interactive discussion with colleagues from all over Europe. At the same time, it is allowing them to contribute to the development of policy recommendations for the European Higher Education Area.