Annual UCEF meeting in Helsinki


During the recent UCEF conference the themes pinned the turning point for continuing education in Finland. The speakers represented the Ministry of Education and Culture, Teosto, University of Turku, education export company Finland University and The Federation of Finnish Enterprises.

Digitalization, learning and new ways of thinking about business made the first seminar day. Themes were brought up by discussing the new government program and its implications to continuing education, by presenting a challenging crowdsourcing program underway in the Ministry of Education and Culture and by depicting the ways music industry survives after the feared digitalization. The day ended in a facilitated workshop to find new ways of thinking and cooperating between universities.

Globalization started the second day. Kari Seppälä brought the eucen aspect and gave an overview of adult education and societal interaction in the European frame. It was followed by an education export case to Indonesia. The introductions gave rise to a lively discussion. The last presentation on SME’s needs to continuing education insightfully summed up all the themes. Hence the Black Box seminar room experienced a vivacious fruitful dialog. The dialog seemed to continue on the way home – as was planned.