
Adult Education for Sustainability: Competences as Developmental Task
Project 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028378.
5P Competences Final logo
26 April 2022

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is recognized as an element of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on quality education and means to empower learners of all ages with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to face global challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, poverty and inequality. This means that adult education must play a major role in ESD and requires a competence framework to cope with consequences of the climate change and its impacts on the social and economic systems of countries. In Germany and in other European countries ESD competence frameworks are already applied in the primary and secondary school sector. However, ESD frameworks for adult target groups in the adult education sector are still missing.

The 5P-Competences project aims to promote a more sustainable behaviour of adults in a changing society and therefore develop an ESD competence model, a competence framework based on development tasks and a European community of best practice. A developmental task is understood to be a task that arises at or about a certain period in life, unsuccessful achievement of which leads to inability to perform tasks associated with the next period or stage in life. Development tasks depend on preconditions of individual life courses, existing societal normative ideas and underly historical changes.

The main TARGET GROUPS of the project are HEI teaching and research staff of adult education, authorities at institutional, local, regional and national levels (responsible for education in the field of ESD), non-governmental organizations active in the field of non-formal and informal education.
The intellectual outputs (IOs) will be:
IO1: ESD framework model of development tasks
IO2: ESD action-oriented competence framework
IO3: Digital ESD competence framework
IO4: digital multilingual ESD online sustainability related training modules
IO5: European online network and community of best practice

The project is coordinated by the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (DE), has started in November 2021, and will run for two years.

eucen actively contributes to the development of all the project results and also leads the dissemination and promotion strategy.

Further information on the project can be found on the 5P-Competences website and will be provided in due course through our regular Newsletters.

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